Allston Auto Tech
Complete Auto Repair
7 - 9 Craftsman Street, Allston, MA 02134
(Off 450 Cambridge Street)
Office: 617-779-7262 - Fax: 617-779-7260
We are open and servicing your vehicle needs during times of covid-19.
Please note to call before coming and you must wear a mask!
Regulars hours might vary during these times.
Engine & Transmission
Brakes & Suspension
Electrical & Wiring
Computer Diagnostics
A/C and Cooling System
Tires & Exhaust Systems
Hours available:
Monday thru Friday - 09:00AM to 7:00PM
Saturday 11:00AM to 6:00PM.
Hours might vary during times of covid-19 so please call before arriving as in an ever changing Covid-19 world we might not be here duirng regular hours!
Allston Cambridge Brighton Boston
Updated March 2021